Sometimes it’s possible to figure out the age of a building (commercial or residential) by knowing when its style was "en vogue". Some of these places have been "spruced up" over time, sometimes with DIY landscaping. However, even periodic updates can quickly look dated if not designed to last and be well maintained. Shrubs and plants get overgrown and shapeless. Some start new growth, some take over, some die. It shows to all who see it and, well, admit it, more customers, neighbors and friends see the outside than see the inside of where you work or live.

To maintain a fresh and well-kept look, the elements that give a property curb appeal must be updated from time to time. It's always a good idea to consider removing some of the old and bringing in new textures and plants. Whether what you want is a little less (minimalist) or a little more (flourishing), an updated and upgraded look is do-able. Consider the image you want to project to those who are on your premises or enjoying your home and yard. Integrate some of your old-time favorites with new colors. Include seating areas. Challenge us and we'll get right to work!